About Us
Space2Live is a non-profit organization launched in 2012 by a group of land rights activists, geo-spatial professionals, regional planners and political scientists.
Space2Live advocates for fair and ethically acceptable land use through the documentation and mapping of traditional land rights. Maps and geographic data serve as a basis for negotiation in land disputes (e.g. in cases of land grabbing) and help to reveal cases of land rights violations. Under the principle “knowledge is power”, the availability of data on traditional land ownership is a key to protect traditional landowners from displacement.
Space2Live uses simple technologies and readily available resources such as satellite imagery, GPS tracking and open-source software. These can be applied by non-professionals and provide a detailed and up-to-date picture of land rights violations. Open-source crowd-mapping platforms like Ushahidi facilitate the collection and spread of information and serve as an important tool for social activism and advocacy. View our statutes (german language).
Learn more about the work of Space2Live.